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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Sep 01, 2023

Summer Childcare
Hello all, Not sure how active this is as I’m still adjusting to Lemmy, but here goes. I’m wondering if anyone is in a similar situation as me and what you’re doing and feelings. I have two kids (7 and 5) that are currently on summer break from school but I have them enrolled in the summer program for their before and after school care. I didn’t see a problem with this initially but I’ve seen other parents complaining when I’ve gone to pick up my kids that they don’t really do anything with them. I’m sure my youngest is perfectly fine just playing with toys all day but I worry about the older one. Part of my guilt comes from wishing I could afford to put them in a better program but I’m effectively a single income so it’s hard. I know they’re treated fine there and not concerned for their safety but I just feel like such a crappy parent. What do other families on a budget do to get by?