Curious if this would have any noticeable energy savings. Basically thinking of taking old semi-disposable plastic containers (the ones that like deli meat, butter, etc come in), freezing them outdoors, and letting them defrost (absorb heat) in the fridge/freezer. Basically back to the “ice box” model.
Anybody doing that and/or have any results to share? Mostly curious if it would be worth the effort.
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Lol, yeah. Though the exhaust heat from the refrigerator does warm the house (good in winter, not good in the summer).
Definitely have had the thought about a thermostat controlled vent that would utilize outdoor air when the temperature permits. Might be one of those ideas that’s nice but impractical.
I think the next level of after heat pumps is complete heat management. Waste heat from kitchen exhaust? Heat pump. Hot water down the drain? Heat pump.