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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


I can hear that neighbors kid screaming now, promising never to bother you again

I’ve pretty much resolved to stay in my current house until I die because i cant go back to the time before fiber. How do people even live with cable, DSL, or the horror of wireless?

I could never go back to cable and don’t understand what too me so long to cut the cable (yay COViD? For pushing me over that edge). But there are still a lot of people with a lot of inertia. I assume cable companies are just trying to hold onto their remaining customers long enough to build more profit into their internet offerings.

They may also be preying on their elderly customers finding it difficult to make the paradigm jump to streaming

That being said, streaming has a gap in local broadcast coverage that’s more easily filled with cable

  • not everyone can, or is aware they can use an antenna
  • local streaming like Hulu is expensive
  • sports streaming is expensive plus per sport
  • I rarely miss local broadcasts, with only a few exceptions such as presidential debates and the Super Bowl

Doesn’t work. My teen had the opposite. Despite insisting he was just a kid, they still tried to sell him solar power panels. He’s a good kid though: he knew not to bother me

Generally they delay answering who they are for this exact reason. If they engage you before you say no, they are more likely to pressure your u into listening