• 2 Posts
Joined 1M ago
Cake day: Oct 03, 2024


With worms though? Wouldn’t they see that as a potential pest attractor?

Someone else suggested going to a composting site, but freezing the waste wasn’t mentioned. This seems like a step in the right direction, but still worried about it thawing during the trip and the wastewater leaking through the bag, causing a mess and disturbing other bus passengers with the smell.

Never had it happen with waste bags, but I’ve seen a few times where people (my family included growing up) would bring in bagged bottles and cans to return for bottle deposit, and the bus drivers were never pleased when the bags leaked.

My main concern with that option is transport. Since I don’t drive and don’t plan on getting a license, I’d likely have to take the bus, and I would hate to disturb others with the smell of rotten food and/or food scraps.

No roof garden or balcony, but we do have a small garden on the property outside by the corner where the road turns.

Might be a hard sell to the landlord honestly, but I can ask them if that’s an option available regardless.

Unfortunately not, but we do have a community garden on the property grounds. I can try to find someone familiar with it and ask them.

If I live in an apartment, how can I put my food waste to compost?
Hey all, In my recent post about popcorn kernels, I had a comment suggest that I could also just put the leftover kernels or stale popcorn to use for compost. This has been something I've been thinking of for a while now. Guilty as charged, I've let good food spoil in my fridge while I've been figuring out what to do with it. While this has been getting better as I've been learning more vegan substitutions as I'm new to being vegan, as well as home cooking in general, I don't want to throw my food waste in with the garbage as I have been doing for eons now when situations arise where something spoils on me. My issue is that, while I was taught how composting works in school, they only ever taught us how to do so if we lived in a detached home that had a backyard. I have always lived in apartment buildings, and currently am living on a second floor apartment unit. While my city does allow for people to separate food waste from other garbage and recycling, and even encourages it, my current building does not have a designated area for food waste. What options are available to me when it comes to disposing of food waste so that in the end, my waste isn't quite "waste"? I should also likely add that I live in an area with a colder climate where winter (which is coming up soon here) often hits -30 C. Thanks in advance!

Is reheating unpopped popcorn kernels foodsafe?
Hey all, Been wanting to reduce the amount of waste I generate, and one small way I was thinking of doing so was perhaps by reheating the unpopped popcorn kernels that appear in the bottom of my bowl after making a batch with my air popper. Would this be safe to do, or is it recommended against? I'd love to reuse them if possible and ensure I have no unneeded waste there, but I also want to make sure I'm not making myself sick by eating something I shouldn't be. Thanks in advance!