• 5 Posts
Joined 4M ago
Cake day: May 01, 2024


While yes not everyone has these. What it’s important to consider is if a kid has these issues and even if they don’t it may be best to give them the technology incase they ever had eye problems or otherwise. Ive started learning the best way to enhance development and comfort. I guess in my experience I like being cautious and covering every aspect of an issue.

So looking at what you sent only the middle light bulb is actually any more efficient the other two are ether equal or more expensive in electric bill.

Though thank you for adding these. While in my personal case RGB overweights the one that would be a tad cheaper. For others it may be a definite option for those without as serious as eye problems. As I do.

Ahhh ok so let me paint a picture for you. They make a significant difference in quality of life for those who do need them. You are a senior student who inside normal buildings has to wear light protective glasses to be shielded from being in excoriating pain. Though you go home and have RGB strips. Then you keep those on 10-1% power mostly always on red. Allowing for the perfect calming light. That also promotes healthy and painless eyes. Then also benefits sleeping and just an overall sense of wellbeing.

This is how I live.

Like the lighting choice reducing headaches, migraines, eye strain and also helps with sleep. Also can make day to day task easier have the perfect level of light for their eyes.

If you can then possibly show that better light for others? Also yeah no assuming it’s for “party mode” but that only shows how inconsiderate you are and may be. It has nothing to do with any party mode or even the amount of colours that one that one has. It’s the helping with sensitive eyes.

I’m not an idiot at all rather the opposite and if you would prefer to continue this conversations. Let’s try and keep it directed towards benefits students and our kin.

I can’t tell if you want the kin to work extra and exhaust themselves or if you want to mentally and physically destroy them? Which I tried not saying anything but I would most definitely recommend visiting some therapy. It seems like you most likely were not supported in a good balance. To prioritize and enhance development.

It’s understandable that water filters and lighting might seem unconventional, but these choices are about more than just cost savings—they’re about creating an environment that supports overall well-being and development.

  1. Cost Efficiency: My electric bill is significantly lower because of the energy-efficient solutions like low-power RGB bulbs, which cost just a few dollars a year to operate. Similarly, a good water filter reduces the need for bottled water, which is both cheaper and better for the environment.
  2. Supporting Development: Light sensitivity and access to clean water can impact comfort and productivity. By investing in these solutions, I’m aiming to create a more supportive environment for personal growth and success. It’s about balancing immediate needs with long-term benefits.

You clearly don’t understand my intentions. These specific ideas setup anyone for success. With my current electric bill I’m spending 55$ every year. The kids can most definitely get other products if they wish and we encourage them to research and find out. Though so far this is the best and most efficient option. Passing down beneficial and helpful knowledge. Then it allows them to focus on developing themselves and career or school success.

I am sorry but i disagree with this idea.for proper and correct development of children and young adults. They need proper suited environments and support. While the filter doesn’t add support it benefits their wellbeing and development. By easily accessible water that is not only cheap but right in their bathroom maybe. Then the stainless steel cups are to make sure for proper sensory stimulation. So they can eat and drink and not have a chance of throwing up or just starving themselves. Also lights benefit eyes in general and for sensitive eyes. We require these and having them at 10% saves so much money.

Can I ask where you see this as unnecessary? While I can understand some students may not want or need some of these but overall it’s an effective way to prioritize health, development and overall wellbeing.

Also saves so much money.

I’ve been studying psychology, psychiatry, developmental for a long time.

It has very unnatural taste to it and most people I’ve met prefer not to and including it healthily filters the water adding that as a benefit.

Any parents with college students or soon to move out these may help
Water filtration  <https://a.co/d/4c6qJzV> Cost 33$  replacement filters  15-25$ Per year 45-85 2 cases of Kroger water x2 month  3-4$ per case  156$ per year  Filtration system needs replacing every 3-6 months. I based it off; Top Maintenance and Quality Drinking water.  This also reduces trash and plastic waste  Cons  May require buying a set of stainless steel cups for sorting and avoiding taste/texture mixing due to my sensory sensitivities Now secondly  RGB Bulbs <https://a.co/d/8OnnCio> 28$ 4 pack  I need 4 bulbs Power Consumption at 10% Brightness: * Typical power usage at 10% brightness: Approximately 1 watt per bulb (for simplicity). 2\. For one bulb running 24/7 at 1 watt: * Daily consumption: 1 watt × 24 hours = 24 watt-hours or 0.024 kWh. * Daily cost: 0.024 kWh × $0.12 = $0.0029 (about 0.3 cents). * Annual cost: $0.0029 × 365 = $1.06. 3\. For one bulb running 3 hours per day at 1 watt: * Daily consumption: 1 watt × 3 hours = 3 watt-hours or 0.003 kWh. * Daily cost: 0.003 kWh × $0.12 = $0.00036 (about 0.04 cents). * Annual cost: $0.00036 × 365 = $0.13. 4\. For four bulbs at 10% brightness: * All bulbs running 24/7: $1.06 per bulb × 4 bulbs = $4.24 annually. * All bulbs running 3 hours per day: $0.13 per bulb × 4 bulbs = $0.52 annually. If all four bulbs are dimmed to 10% and used as described, the total annual cost would be: * Four bulbs running 24/7: $4.24 * Four bulbs running 3 hours daily: $0.52 * Total annual cost: $4.76 Edit: I’m getting all of this myself

More to add for things like the community, clubs all of that our school would get involved in. We will fund and support them in those too. Our goal is to create a place of equality and inclusion. Also money for schooling should never been an issue most likely the 100-300 is just a publicity thing so not as many questions start arising about how are they affording this with no money. Even though it won’t full make it look normal it’ll help. Though that’s why we also focus on Financial support often and sometimes free education. Also lunches are free and included balanced while actually tasteful food. Including different varieties for vegan, cultural or dietary restrictions.

Also this doesn’t replace Public or Private school but reinvents them into something. Engaging, fun, beneficial and rewarding. Kids in our current system aren’t allowed to explore be themselves and learn catered to them. Hindering or damaging their education. My approach follows similarly to the Norwegian schools (I believe Norwegian) it’s show in an incredible boost in happiness and productivity.

While in all reality without the nearly unlimited resources and funding this would be extremely expensive for sure but if I have the capabilities I’d prefer to make change similar.

The funding would be on the school owners themselves. Which wouldn’t be any issue. Also for sure I don’t think every school should have everything ether but parents sometimes can’t afford or are ignorantly not sending their kids to things like martial arts. While including it in a curriculum can ensure proper education of safety.

The resources and funding is the least of an issue almost an unlimited access. So my idea was to come up with something futurist secure and accessible to everyone.

Developing a New School Concept: Seeking Your Feedback
I'm in the process of developing a concept for a "private" school here in the United States. The goal is to make education highly accessible, with tuition being exceptionally affordable—just a few hundred dollars per year. Additionally, there will be significant financial assistance available, with the possibility of free tuition for those who qualify. Earnings for Students: * Grades K-7/8: Students will earn $10 per hour for attending school. * Grades 8-12 and Beyond: Older students will earn $17 per hour. Our schedule is designed to balance rigorous education with personal time, offering 3 school days per week, each lasting 9 hours. Financial Structure: * Younger Students' Earnings: * * While younger students (K-7/8) will earn money, they won’t be able to access these funds until they demonstrate a certain level of maturity or reach age 16. This is around the time they might start needing to make significant purchases, like a car. Annual Earnings: * * $13,000 per year, with opportunities to increase this amount if students choose to attend additional days or participate in special programs. Total Accumulated by Milestones: * $103,000 to $116,000 by the time they complete 7th/8th grade. * $191,128 to $204,128 by the time they finish 12th grade. * $176,256 to $220,320 if they continue their education to a doctoral level. Spending and Financial Independence: * Students will have autonomy over how they spend their money, reinforcing financial independence and responsibility. * For large purchases (especially for those under 18), we encourage a discussion with a school advisor to ensure they are making informed decisions. * When buying anything for parents or family, we require a consultation with a school advisor to protect the student's financial interests. There are no restrictions on how students can use their funds: * They can spend on personal items (e.g., cars, technology, hobbies), educational expenses (e.g., college tuition, courses, travel for study), or even entrepreneurial ventures. Academic Structure: * Starting from grade 3, students will be introduced to combat training, including survival skills and etiquette, which are essential for self-defense and personal development. * After grade 8 or 9, students can diverge into specialized pathways, similar to college tracks, and graduate with a degree. Classroom Environment: * Class Sizes: 17 students per room, with 30 rooms and 10 districts in total. * Teaching Model: Each room will have 17 specialized teachers and one head teacher to ensure personalized and focused instruction. * Health and Data Collection: We will collect comprehensive health and educational data on each student. Parents will have full access to this data, with transparency on who is viewing the information. However, sensitive information, such as sexual activity (unless a risk is identified), sexual orientation, gender, and religion/culture, will remain private. Student Wellness and Education: * Sex Education: Basic sex education will begin in 5th grade, with more detailed instruction in 8th-9th grade. Additional learning opportunities will be available for students interested in areas like medical fields. * Health Exams: Due to the physical nature of some of our programs, such as combat and martial arts, we will require two separate body exams each year. Parents will have the option to opt in, but ultimately, we encourage students to make their own decisions regarding their participation. If there's a disagreement between the student and the parent, a council will review both perspectives and determine the best course of action. Technology Integration: * VR Helmets and Avatars: For interactive remote learning or sick days (which are optional, not required), students can use VR helmets and avatars to stay engaged. * Augmented Reality (AR): AR will be integrated into daily learning, with noise-cancellation headphones and customizable lighting available to enhance the educational environment. Feedback from Parents: I value the input of parents and guardians, as your perspectives are crucial in refining this concept. I'm open to suggestions, concerns, or ideas on how to make this school a place where every child can thrive academically, socially, and personally.

This is why I hope to maybe become a psychiatrist someday to help others and maybe change the way we work in a society to make sure our kids feel safe and cared for. The route of so many issues mentally.

I wouldn’t exactly call it villain exactly. I’ve had seen to many people get hurt and have a fear driven in from childhood of losing people so I’m trying to find every way to get around that.

We also luckily have maids and butlers. Some specifically trained as a nanny but also trained in stealth combat in multiple ways, hand to hand, Guns, Knifes/daggers/sword, and more. Then I’ve also created hovering pods for kids to sleep it in maximizing their sleep and giving them extremely fresh air and temperatures designed for growth and development.

Yeah this is why one of my husbands allowed me to use his manor to create a medical ward with better technology than most or all hospitals have. Then I’ve also created full bullet proof clothing including an extractable mask that runs with an AI unit inside of it helping calculate and scan people for possible threat/threat or friendly. Then also pulls up the building plans and the AI marks all the exits closest.

That is completely understandable and which you’d be able to find programs or they can hang out with yalls friends kids possibly.

Suggestion, maybe start them on Melanie Martinez. She is a pop star who talks about societal roles, gender roles and more within her songs. Then if you have any young teen kids. Maybe Heartstopper which shows a wide spectrum of relationships and shows change is ok. Then Ark: The animated series or for older teens Young Royals and possibly Red, White and Royal Blue!!!

We had a Chimera infiltrate our compound, and so we had to tame the spirit being. So did our children. Some of them were scared, but we had to, so they didn’t get hurt.

PS A Chimera is a silent sound hunter. A spiritual being that you can tame by repeating its sound when you attract it.

Sorry I was trying to be more gentle with it but school shooters.

Possible schooling idea
I just wanted to say that I think it would be a great idea for more parents to look into remote or online school. We all know that there's a lot of risk in traditional schools these days, and it's so important to keep our kids safe. Another great option is pathway schools. These are schools where kids learn basic math and other subjects up to 6th or 8th grade. Then, they can choose to diverge into other areas of study like plumbing, psychology, or even business. I'm not totally sure what they're called or if we have them in the US, but I've heard they're really good for kids! They seem to make them feel happier and more content, and they encourage them to learn more and go further.

Personally we don’t send our kids to in person school unless they have specially made bullet proof clothing. Though Imo we are a net and guidance when they need it. Support them with the materials they need but let them explore and become who they wish to be.

What I’m about to say is extremely controversial. Though I study psychology, sociology and developmental biology.

Also this is really important when your kids get around middle school sit them down and have a discussion about safety within relationships of multiple types and drugs they may hear about. There’s way too many kids dying from fentanyl or ruining their lives with an unwanted pregnancy. Coming from someone who when they was 5th grade almost having sex then having it around 7th on. I had no access to condoms and had a pregnancy scare. Also started weed at 6th grade but had nowhere safe to get it. Also please please let your kids know if they need to picked up from a part for whatever reason. You will be there!

Idk what to call this one but please take this to heart!
It is likely that the majority of parents are already aware of this, but it is nevertheless important to reiterate the importance of listening to children. It is crucial to listen to their emotions and thoughts, and to ensure that their identity is not disregarded. For any police officer or enforcement worker, it is of the utmost importance to ensure that their children are aware of their expected return. As a child, I was never certain of my father's return, and I would often wait up until the late hours to ascertain that he had arrived home safely. Finally, it is important to allow children to explore and discover their own identities. While it is understandable that parents may wish for their children to adhere to certain religious or cultural traditions, it is crucial to recognize that each individual is unique and may ultimately pursue a different path than their parents' expectations. It is evident that there are instances where a child's religious or sexual identity is challenged by their parents, resulting in significant distress and conflict within the family unit. This dynamic can have a profound impact on the child's self-perception and expectations of social interaction, potentially leading to long-term psychological distress. ( A significant proportion of the difficulties I have experienced in life can be attributed to the manner in which I was treated as a child. Consequently, I am unable to experience genuine happiness. It is imperative that parents refrain from such actions towards their children. Affectionate regard is to be extended to them. Love Them!)

A young parent still learning, please teach your kids
Hello, I am 20 years old and a young parent myself. I have to admit that I haven't been very good at learning some of the basic things in life, like washing my face, legs, and feet. My parents never taught me these things when I was young. Furthermore, I was never taught how to cook or clean. There are so many things that my parents didn't teach me, and I'm really grateful that my wife has been helping me learn as I come to understand that I don't know certain things. It makes me feel a bit ashamed, but I really want to learn. So, please teach your kids how to bathe and live.