
Boston area. 30+ years riding the woo woo boo boo bus.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


It’s a public forum. That’s how things work. If it bothers the original artist then that person should either keep their stuff off the Internet or learn to ignore the negativity.

Well, as I mentioned, I don’t even open comic posts unless I notice comments already listed. Then I’ll add my $0.02. Since I don’t typically like it, my comment will be in the negative.

I personally found this crap on Reddit and OP would make snide comments. Big turn off.

No, I have zero links as documentation. Just a memory of actually reading some dumb shit.

It’s about the comments and group discussion.

Vast majority of comic posts do not have any comments and I’m not going in for no reason.

No, I don’t consider leaving a singular +/- comment a reason.

You literally commented that people don’t say positive things about other comics.

No need. I just call out shit I don’t like.

Pearls before Swine is awesome. Same with Red and Rover. And of course the true classic of Far Side. And Bizarro is fun, especially the “seek and find”.