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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 13, 2023


This video shows how to cut up plastic bags to make plarn. It takes a while but it’s easy to do while watching or listening to something. For the bag, I followed this video.

I haven’t managed to count but I’m going through bags really quickly doing this. That bag was probably 2/3 of all the white plastic bags I’ve collected over the years.

I saw a video about ten years ago on crocheting with plarn (plastic bag yarn) and I thought it was such a neat idea. There was just one problem: I didn't know how to crochet. So, I started hoarding all my plastic bags (even more than I already was) thinking, "Oh, I'll learn how to crochet one day!" I finally learned to crochet a few weeks ago and now I'm working my way through my massive bag stash. I left the tail ends on and tried to tie them into decorations so I wouldn't waste any of the plastic. I am way too excited about my trash bag bag. :)