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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


I don’t think so. But I didn’t have to change schools or anything. And some of my classes were normal classes not in the program. So I still interacted with a lot of people. For me it was a net positive, and I heard the same from my friends in the program. Your mileage may vary though.

I was in the TAG (talented and gifted) program in school in Ohio. Honestly it was very good for me. I didn’t really fit in with a lot of the other students, but did with the kids in the TAG program. Not saying this is the case for your kid, but a lot of us in the TAG program were not the best social kids growing up. Being around other awkward kids who wouldn’t bully me for being smart was a god send. I’m not sure if this is a thing that still happens in today’s world though.

I do feel like I was better prepared for higher education as well. Most kids in my school ended math education with geometry, but I had the opportunity to take calculus in high school, which was useful for college. I also got to read much more interesting literature earlier. It was more enjoyable and I think it helped me with critical thinking and empathy - the latter of which I struggled with a lot when I was younger.

That’s really all I can offer.