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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2024


Oh fuck. One look at the post history and we know exactly how this plays out.

You’re an idiot. Accept it. Help with simple things like making dinner and doing laundry. Let the young adult overcome your severe limitations by shutting the fuck up and doing very little.

I’m happy this child is leaving your household such that they’ve an opportunity to become their own person. They’ll let you do whatever when so close to escape. Then, they’ll throw it all in a box until you invite yourself over to visit.

Your child needs a room, meals, and a laptop. This shit is your child’s responsibility paid from their budget (paycheck, allowance, whatever).

Go ask the PC subs which laptop. If you want to do it well then include a USB3 docking station and peripherals. I recommend spending $1.5-2k for the most critical tool.