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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Apr 16, 2024


here’s what we do,
A: don’t open the door if you see it in advance, however our house is built where other than our electric doorbell we can’t see who’s at the door, peephole is old and foggy.
B: “oh no thanks we’re not interested” often filled with a “no dangit [dogs name] stop barking” / “get back” then close the door because the dog is trying to get out

salemen use children to pull on your heartstrings. No mercy!

my favorite story of door to door salesman is when some unmarked white van came around the neighborhood selling meat. My dad opened the door said “sorry… we, uh, we’re all vegans” in the most awkward manner, the dude 100% knew it was a lie but just said “yeah alright sorry for bothering ya” and left

Haven’t seen the van meat man other than that 1 time, no idea why he was selling meat out of a creepy white van but I hope it’s not what I’m thinking. I wonder where he is now