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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


Adventure time MUST be curated.

Many episodes are fine for toddlers.

Many episodes are NOT fine, even for adults.

Unless you’ve watched the whole series, you won’t understand how fucked up this show is.

In the episode Hug Wolf, Finn transforms into a werewolf and rapes Cinnamon Bun, because CB can’t control their rape fetish

And that’s not even mentioning the cosmic horror. The Lich is one of the scariest villains of all time.


Banned shows and approved shows (for young children)
Also, why? Banned shows: * Paw Patrol - Seems soulless, I haven't watched much, but there seems something very wrong about it. Intuitively, I feel like my kid shouldn't watch it (though, I can could be convinced I'm wrong, if I am) * Cocomelon - objectively soulless - don't try to convince me that this show is anything but toddler crack. Approved: * Sesame Street * Bluey Both of the above shows seem to me like they are made with care and have the best interests to teaching children good morals and language skills.