• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023

Even workload
Those who are lucky enough to have a partner. How do you divey up the workload and ensure an even partnership where one partner is stay at home and the other works full time?

My wife and I had a miscarriage last week. We were 11 weeks along but our baby only grew to 8 weeks. It's been devastating. I'm hoping to get some advice from anyone who's been through it. - what can I do to help my wife? She's in physical pain which seems to be overriding the emotional pain, but I'm sure it will hit in due time and want to be able to help her the best that I can. - our 15 month old obviously doesn't know what's going on, but it seems like he's noticed a change of energy. Its hard to play with him like I normally do. I love him to bits, I just don't have the energy but I need to make sure he knows he's loved. - we were able to collect the fetus as it passed naturally , we would like to do something to memorialize our unborn child but don't know what. - how can I take care of myself while taking care of my family through these times. Thanks for any advice.

Advice for sleeping in a hotel with a baby
My wife, my 1 year old and I have a trip coming up and we'll be staying in a hotel. Our big guy's done great on previous trips sleeping without a problem, but this will be the first time we don't have a separate room for him (we've stayed in cabins and stuff before, I don't mean a separate hotel room). When we try to put him down and he sees us still in the room he usually just cries for us and we would have to end up going to bed with him. I would love to be able to put him down and still be able to enjoy a quite night of playing cards or watching a movie with my wife without having to go to bed at 7 with him everynight. Anyone have any advice?