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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


Ehh, another big issue is upending their life, frequently changing schools isn’t great either.

I’d say only change schools if she’s enthusiastic about it, and then stick to it even if she’s kinda unhappy after (that’s sorta inevitable, FOMO happens in kids just as much as adults)

Upending her life twice will likely be not great, best to keep things stable.

Unless the school is really bad, you’ll have to use your judgement on that to assess.

What does she want?

Also keep this in mind: your daughter got to where she is at her current school, so it may not be bad to stick to what’s working.

The vast majority of child success comes from parent involvement, not curriculum.

Basic stuff like participating with them in activities like schoolwork, reading, games, etc is what largely makes or breaks success.

Id start by taking your kid to check out the place, let her see what it looks like, maybe ask for a quick tour.

Then after, ask her what she wants and listen.

If you get her in a better program but she hates it, or it damages your relationship, that likely will be a heavy net negative on her long term success.

An enthusiastic kid in a normal program will typically go farther than an unhappy kid in a premium program.