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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Apr 13, 2024


How much water and power does getting all the materials and making a dish washer use?

I could see that, but still think reusable plates hand washed would prob use less than both.

Hopefully someone down the road breaks down some numbers on total cost and not the final stretch once all this stuff is made.

I would love to see someone do a break down of this cost. I can not imagine all the metal plastic rubber aluminum electronics being made and shipped all over the world is going to come out ahead of of a stainless steel sink that can last a life time. Dishwashers now only last 9 to 12 years or something now.

I would like to point out that the amount of materials and water to process and make compostable plates is huge. I think washing some stoneware dishes is a better plan.

People say dishwashers use less water than hand washing and they do. But the cost to get all the materials, the water to process it all, ship it, and make a dishwasher probably never come close to less in the end.

That’s not the aluminum ones they make.

It says biodegradable cups… aluminum is not that.

Also how to care for the aluminum ones https://www.zhongruicup.com/tips-for-cleaning-and-maintaining-aluminum-cups-extending-service-life

A standard soda can wall is approximately 0.097 mm thick.

These cups are 0.16mm that’s a big difference. They also don’t have pricing and the site says how to clean and care for your cup… it is not disposable.

Aluminum cans are so thin to cut cost that they are like an egg. Open the end more and it will have no support to it.

They would need to be thicker and that would make it much more expensive.

I think they would need a deposit system if your expect to get anything back on them?

A can holds it shape cause it has the top and bottom. To make an aluminum cup would take a fair amount more aluminum and cost a fair bit more. It would prob be better, but no one is going to pay that much and toss them.