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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


100% of the time? No. But similar to this, holding them so they were lying face down on my arm instead of on their back worked a lot. I presume gas or some other reason that changing positions helped.

My youngest keeps saying they can’t believe it. Rice for tea, I can’t believe it. Found their water bottle on the table, I can’t believe it. It’s cold outside, I can’t believe it.

I’m here. Have been wondering about a place to post the stuff my youngest has been saying lately, they are at the perfect age.

Questions like “Dad, how do giraffes draw pictures?”

And statements like “I’m going to get married. To myself. Because I want to”.

When my eldest was about that age I got “Dad, why do we only have one sun?” and so I had to explain orbital dynamics to a preschooler.

Is it good for kids? Equally important: Is it good for parents? In my opinion, the well-being of one’s children, who one brought into this world without their consent, will always come first.

One interesting thing in this space is that parental well being often leads to better child outcomes, so it’s important not to ignore the impact on parents.

Though the article does have pretty loose definitions on “gentle parenting” (since they asked participants for their definitions), so hard to say where the line is.

And a bit of a tangent but the research also wasn’t trying to look into whether gentle parenting is hard on parents (they said it was information given un-prompted), so there isn’t a comparison against the alternative. Maybe all parenting is hard on parents?

We haven’t used bin liners in years, it was really a pretty easy thing to stop. We try not to put liquids in, and in general don’t have any issue with smell. But the bins are plastic, if they smell we just wash them.