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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


Jfc, imagine bringing a life in to this world for the sole purpose of them being a vehicle for your ambition to, what, have some “legacy” you’ve convinced yourself you have, live forever? 🤯🙄🤦‍♀️

And it’s people like you who are then completely shocked and horrified when your kids don’t want to any contact with you anymore, or when kids of people like you never want to reproduce because they don’t want to inflict a similar existence on to anyone else…

Lmao, let them do their worst… 😂

Is this the original text? I remember pizzacake being funny…

Knowing that people think like you scares me (not for my sake, I don’t have people like you around me, but for the sake of your kids and others around you who you are absolutely not even registering in your considerations).

Your experience isn’t universal, and making a caveat at the end that basically excludes disabled people in your mind from society at large is gross and ableist.

only take their meds when they “remember”.

I will never fall victim to that again.

maybe consider that it is your resentment of their mother that you are clearly projecting on to them, and your ignorance and dismissal of neurodiversity that are the problem, not the teenager trying to develop and exist in what amounts to an unsupportive environment, your whole post oozes of it.

Ever consider they don’t want to go to college? Or to drive? Ever stop for second to think what the world is like for someone with ADHD and depression? Why those things might be undesirable? (edit to clarify: driving and college being undesirable to a neurodivergent person, not neurodiversity being undesirable)

You’re not interested in who they actually are, since you’ve already decided for yourself (“copy paste” of your ex) and are treating them accordingly. You are the fucking parent.

You’re right about one thing - once they leave they probably won’t want anything to do with you, and it’ll be the best thing for them, but the fact that you’ve convinced yourself that it is out of your control rather than solely in it says it all.

This is not a brag, having this means I have a lot of unique mental health and social issues I have to deal with

A. there is no other reason for you to bring it up and B. you’d think that someone that went through that themselves would at least have some insight in to the relationship between being “diagnosed” as “genius” at a young age and mental health issues, and recommend a parent keep their child as far away from that toxicity as possible, not have them assessed for fucking mensa (which is nothing but a hollow ego boost to those vain enough to join) at 3.

Never mind that this parent is describing textbook developmental milestones, but these tests you’ve probably been clinging to all your life are debunked pseudoscience at best and harmful eugenicist bullshit at worst.

The child just turned 3, jfc…

OP - this is perfectly normal, if not actively positive behaviour for their age. Your child is hitting a milestone and I am positive there is significant bulk of already established literature on how best to deal with this phase out there that would give you much better insight and advice than a bunch of randoms on the internet…