• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


My oldest is 4 and she takes no BS. She is so strong-willed it can be absolutely maddening. As much as I fear parenting her is going to be rough, I hope she maintains her spirit. She feels all her feelings in quite a big way, for better or worse. She has always been this way. I truly hope it sticks. I’ve had strangers tell me that she’s the type that is going to run the world.

My other one is 2.5-ish. She is so tuned in with others’ feelings, it’s pretty incredible. She likes to make sure everyone has their napkins and dinner and utensils and everything before she’ll sit. If she keeps this up, she’s going to be taking care of everyone all the time. That’s not a bad thing. The world needs some more of her empathy.

As you see their personalities emerge, it’s hard not to feel confident in them and hopeful that you’ll also feel proud of the decisions they make on their own.

Successfully uses the potty as a bedtime stall. It’s the only time she consistently goes potty on the potty.

“stuff I never thought I’d say”

As in, “please don’t put your toe in your nose”

Poor AQI, trapped inside
Running out of ideas to entertain my toddler and preschooler. Help! One eats everything and the other is in full three-nager mode.

I’m so sorry for your loss.

Support your wife. Do things without her asking (make meals, clean). Importantly, make sure she knows that you’re experiencing grief as well, and that she isn’t alone. Miscarriage is unfortunately more common than people realize. Please be gentle and kind with yourselves. It’s OK to feel a rollercoaster of emotions.

One thing I did for the first few years after my losses was recognize them by lighting a candle for the wave of light: https://babyloss-awareness.org/wave-of-light/

Toddler Antics
My 3 year old just kicked me off the couch so she could invite her dad to come snuggle with her. What are your kids up to?

New parenting community
I've been thinking about this for a few days. I want a place where parents can come talk about parenting with a group of peers to commiserate, seek advice, provide advice, etc. Parents of all children of all ages are welcome.

Do you want to help mod?
Title says it all. I've built up communities before but that w as s before I had any children. I'd love some help here. Something about how it takes a village comes to mind. 😂 I want this to be a respectful place. If a child's health or safety is at risk, feel free to speak up. Respectfully.