Software Developer from a germanic region in south Brazil.
I may occasionally post about #software, #dotnet, #theology, #christianity

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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Apr 06, 2021


— what a bothersome thing!
— ?
— you call me right when I’m not going!


Probably very dependent on the child and situation, but anything that might break their focus on the situation: changing subject; doing something silly; showing some other interesting thing; sometimes just stop engaging the tantrum can work.

A child in a tantrum has their mind stuck in a loop, helping them break out of it and/or refocus makes it easier to deal with the situation reasonably.

Probably not the latest, but: sodium bicarbonate + vinegar is great for removing stench of vomit.

4yo vomited on their bed during the night. I probably got around the same amount of sleep.

Hang on there, and good luck!