My gender is my concern, but you may use any pronoun to refer to me

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


That’s not what I am talking about. I am talking about simple emotional dependence on your children for your own needs. That is a classic abusive inversion of the relationship.

Once you die, it’s over. Dead people don’t have interests. Making plans for when you are dead is even more irrational than convincing yourself that having children is a benefit to you or anyone else. All this stuff about fulfilling your ancestor’s legacy is romantic twaddle you use to confuse yourself.

Some people would say that attempting to reach your own self-fulfulment through your children is a form of child abuse. Certainly it can easily become abusive and I don’t think it’s a positive pattern to encourage.

Having a child aught not be about what you want or even what you need. That’s backwards, and it’s exactly the sort of lie we tell ourselves to try to post-hoc rationalize a decision that our bodies have made for us, and we want to believe we made for ourselves.

Human reproduction is the biggest con. The worst thing is, we’re the ones fooling ourselves.