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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 07, 2023


Once our kids hit a good weight and age and we felt comfortable not feeding at night, we stopped.

Comfort them when they cry, but no picking up and no food. Once they understood bed is bed, they started sleeping through the night pretty well.

It was rough for a few weeks. We would set a timer to check on them every 5 minutes to show them we were still there and we’re not leaving.

Now my kids are old enough to get in and out of bed on their own and they haven’t quite mastered the idea of “emergency” so we still get woken up by their random thoughts in the middle of the night.

For kids around that age, it’s much easier to distract them from something than it is to calm them down about it. If he’s crying about not being able to eat dirt, distract him with a ball or some shit and he’ll immediately forget about it.

Price gouging? All the clothes at my goodwill are cheap. They even had a sale recently where any piece of clothing was $2 flat.

What kind of price gouging have you seen?

Thrift stores are probably the most ethical because it’s all donated and second hand. It’s already been created, bought, and worn before you see it.

The selection isn’t bad at all. Just go look.