• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


That makes total sense and gives me peace, thank you! Do you have any resources on how to handle the emotional side properly that I could learn from?

Yeah the boy told her these things, and we went to the principal with this and asked them to not punish the kid but instead give him the help he needs. Since then I’ve seen him get his own desk near the principals office and apparently he studies from there a lot. I still don’t know whether that’s good or bad, but the last we saw him there, he was waving at my daughter with a smile on his face. So he doesn’t seem to be minding it.

Thank you for the perspective. We’ve gone ahead and enrolled her in the HAG school, but I’m still concerned about her social skills, because apparently she’s only gonna interact with the same 10 15 kids every year. Hopefully she comes out in top socially as well as academically.

Thanks for the perspective! Do you ever feel like you missed out on anything because you went into this program?

My 2nd grade daughter has tested Highly Academically and Intellectually Gifted (HAG in NC). What do I do? Please advice.
We didn’t grow up in the US, so we don’t really know much about the gifted programs. She has scored 99 in CogAT, and 96.5 in ITBS, so she qualifies to the HAG program in NC. We can either switch to a different school that has the HAG curriculum, or keep her in the current school under the next lower level curriculum (AIG). The school says their AIG program is excellent, and that many HAG students have opted to stay in the school’s AIG program. I want to do what is best for her social, emotional, and academic growth, so please share your experience/horror stories/success stories with the gifted programs, and your advice on which one to choose. She's an only child and a bit naive, if that matters.

A kid in my daughter’s 2nd grade class has been saying some concerning things. How do I handle this?
There is a kid in my daughter's 2nd grade class, who seems to like to lie/embellish a bit about a lot of things. Some of the things he has said/done so far: * He has a girlfriend Kate who hides in his bedroom everyday for him to come back from school, and when he does, they go to the bathroom and she kisses him on the lips * He went to military school when he was young(?!). They gave him basic training there * He once said he's a lot stronger than my daughter, and there is no way she can hurt him and asked her to try. She twisted his arm to the back (smh), and he screamed to let him go * He said he can easily take her down, and all he needs to do is to hit her on her balls(?) * He has punched a few kids in the class for one reason or another (they were making fun of him, she says) * He said brought a gun to the school once, and he accidentally pressed the button that makes it shoot and almost killed people, so his girlfriend Kate is mad at him. * He says he's gonna bring his gun to the school one day and kill everyone with it. He'll spare my daughter because 'you're the smart kid. We need smart people to tell us what to do' I was initially not very concerned, but over time, the things he says and does are extremely concerning to me. We are immigrants who didn't grow up here, so we have no idea what's normal and what's not. I wanted to report the gun thing to his class teacher, but my wife is hesitant. She says he's probably just joking around, and not to make this a big deal at school. What do I do here? Please advise.