Bio et AOP : Pseudo, votre utilisateur français préféré !

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023

Operation “CleanUp” for less litter in Wallonia is 10 years old
Article in French. Feel free to use a transaltor. A french speaking zero waste community has opened : [!](

An article in french about how the act of maintenance become invisible in the consumerism society and the consequence it has on the way we see our self independent. Feel free to use a translator (but I think it will struggle a bit with this article)

In your stock, add a bit of yellow oignon skins. It adds a pretty color.

Oh… How could I miss such an important warning when researching for preserving method (-_-) I haven’t eat any of it but now I worry about having wasted half of the house garlic trying de preserve it.

[update] my formerly fresh garlic is bubbling !
I few months ago I asked advice to preserve the many heads of garlic I had : The reponses included to freeze it, to make confit or to preserved it in salted water or oil. I've tried every methods, but confit that's on my list for next time I have garlic, and I've been consuming fermented garlic. I'm very proud of that first attempt at salt fermentation (\^_\^) More recently I've decided to taste my garlicky oil and I've open one of the jars. The bubbling oil was so active it splash a bit around. So I close it wondering what I have done wrong : 3 months ago, I've peel the skin that was on the older garlic heads, cut any bad looking part, place the garlic with some fresh thyme, fill the jar with olive oil and store it lip tight on a dark shelf. So first : Thank you for all the idea. It was fun, tasty and avoid plenty of waste. Second : Do you know what is wrong with the garlic preserved in oil ? Is it simply carbonic gaz from the fermentation that build up ? Should I have blanch my garlic or dried my thyme before hand ? Thank you again for you precious help

They are terrible. Do you know about the french water brand cristaline ? Look up for their caps (french : bouchon de cristaline) they are even worst. With any hand disablity you have to ask someone else for water. Unfortunatly more and more bottles are sold with this type of caps in France. I wish brand would bring water dispenser to supermarket. This way, one could still have a large choice of water but choose a bootle that fit its taste and ability while dramatically reducing waste.

The article is in german. Feel free to use a translator to read it. And remember : The best waste is the waste we don't produce.

packets of ketchup are super wasteful - What to refuse ?
Say no to ketchup packet. **Refuse** them In the comment section of the original post, lots of idea of thing to refuse. publication croisée depuis : > The grams of waste per teaspoon of ketchup seems high. > > What else has a super high packaging waste per consumable volume?

What to do with 400g of wheat bran ?
I've had wheat bran sitting in my pantry for quite a while now. I've tried it in yogurt or with milk but I don't like it. Could I put some in my pizza dought without changing my recipe too much ? Any other ideas about how to eat it ?

[The link to the report]( It's in english. publication croisée depuis : > En 2021, l'Union européenne a importé près de 138 millions de tonnes de produits agricoles et gaspillé plus de 150 millions de tonnes de nourriture. C'est le constat dressé par l'organisation environnementale Feedback EU, dans un [rapport]( dévoilé ce mardi.

Do you freeze fresh garlic ?
I have more head of garlic that I could consume. I wish to freeze some. Can I keep it this way ? Will it change or become somehow damage ?