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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 30, 2023


You’re conflating your personal experience as being generally common. You may have benefit from these, but they are not a back to school necessity or even consideration for “every parent.” For the vast majority of people these are unnecessary.

On a dimmer set to 10% all of these bulbs will be more efficient than the RGB ones you linked because they will not have to run a computer and WiFi/BT hotspot in perpetuity. They will simply be on for 10% of the time. You could also probably get some red tinted films to place over the light fixtures.

You literally linked a music sync RGB bulb. Do you really expect your college student you’re sending away to not use the party mode? They aren’t just gonna sit in their room with a 10% power red light. Well maybe your kid will, but that isn’t an “every college student” kinda thing. Not everyone has sensitive eyes and for most people these are luxuries.

All these options are about half as much and still dimmable.

P.S. you can edit your comments. No need to double reply.

Unless your tap water has dangerous chemicals in it you’ll save money just drinking that. It may taste different because you’re used to a different balance, but drinking it for a week or so will lead to you getting used to it and saving money.

Dimmable white led bulbs are at least half the cost of addressable RGB bulbs. I’m not sure the “10% of light output means it uses 10% of the nominal wattage” idea holds true as some of that energy is going into running a microprocessor and wireless bridge. Using a traditional dimmer switch with white LEDs will actually use less power over time.

You’ve listed luxuries. You may want filtered water and a party mode on tap, but being luxuries they are definitionally unnecessary.

Those bins are just gonna be filled with trash and there’s still gonna be these cups and other litter in the gutter.