• 17 Posts
Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Mar 10, 2024


Yes, that’s what I meant, thanks!

Edit:I guess "summer breaks"is probably more what I meant than “summer vacation”, so I changed the title

From parents I know, it can be a bit challenging, especially if they are too small to be left to themselves.

As in, “please don’t put your toe in your nose”

Thanks! I would be curious with stats in the 2020s

She’s also very fond of pulling out the top of whomever is holding her, shouting BOOOOB.

I’m dying ha ha

[Meta] Ideas for weekly recurring threads?
I have been thinking about a way to have more activity here: weekly threads. An obvious one would be "Funny thing your kid said or did this week", do you have other ideas?

Parents, what is the latest funny thing that your child did or said?
Crossposted from [!casualconversation@lemm.ee](https://lemm.ee/c/casualconversation)