…then after eating a few of the grapes he says he doesn’t like the “inside part” of the grape, and just likes the juice. Now he wants grape juice.

I’m not proud to admit that I ended up blending grape jelly with apple juice for him, since we didn’t have any grape juice. But he loved it, so… I’ll take the win.


I want to know who downvoted this post and why?

Maybe someone missed the up arrow and didn’t notice?

I just hate grapes.


Why are you worried about downvotes?

Curiosity. A desire to know what people are thinking.


Sure, but the people downvoting didn’t add a comment, they added a near zero information downvote instead.

They likely aren’t going to say, and the demand that curiosity be satisfied over such a tiny negative action clutters up comment sections that could otherwise be intersting.

Most of the comments are now about this single, irrelevant action that didn’t even really persist. Is that a good thing?

Good? Bad? Expected. Internet is going to Internet ❤

I want to know who downvoted your comment as well. Don’t much care their reasons why.


I did. Dude has main character syndrome. Not every thought you have needs to be vocalized and no one owes him an answer. Votes are public and if they really cared so much, they could find the people and ask them.

This is just attention seeking and spam.

Dude doesn’t have access to the records of who downvoted what, and neither do you or I. That’s admins or mods only, if even they can look it up. Thanks for outing yourself and reinforcing my hunch that its mostly projecting word-spewers who aren’t worth interacting with. Bye.

“Main character syndrome”? For sharing their experiences online? Oh ffs.

Man… sometimes folks just want to vocalize their thoughts and feelings.

Maybe this dude wants to seek out other parents who sacrifice for their kids. Maybe this is a justification for their exhaustion. Maybe they just wanted to share this memory with other parents in an online space.

Want more mentally healthy men? Let them open up.

“Main character syndrome”… ffs.

Not sure why people downvoted, but I do know a number of people who would call that bad parenting, so it could be people who think such.

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